Indie Games, where the heart and soul is!

Posts tagged “arcade

Slender: The Arrival Review

PC Game



Twitter (Blue Isle Studios)

Twitter (Parsec Productions)



By: Daizoren

Perhaps the most anticipated horror game of the year, Slender: The Arrival has to fill the shoes of the original Slender: The Eight Pages in an attempt to scare players in a way that the original never could. With Blue Isle Studios and Parsec Productions working in conjunction, do they achieve this hefty feat? Or does Slender: The Arrival lose it’s effect in a market that is saturated by wanna-be clones? (more…)

My Sister and I play Slender

Happy Halloween! As a special bonus video, I decided to grab my sister (Who scares easily) and have her play the viral hit Slender. I am personally terrified of Slenderman and she’s easily scared, so together we are the perfect victims for this game. Watch us get tense and try to find all 8 pages.

Black Mesa Review

PC Mod








By: Daizoren

As time slowly ticks away, we don’t seem to be getting any closer to any information regarding the release of Half-Life 3, but to help ease some tension, a fan made remake of Half-Life has just arrived on the scene after years of development. Watching as this project has been completed has felt like forever at times, but was the wait for this ambitious remake worth it? (more…)

SOLLOMAN working on new 3D platformer?

By: Daizoren

New footage released by “Happy” developer, SOLLOMAN, shows some platforming stage in Unreal’s UDK. Could this mean a future 3D game? We’re not sure, but it looks like it’s something to be looking forward too. We’ve contacted SOLLOMAN for further information. You can check out the footage from his “Floating Windmill” level below.

*Full disclosure: Kyle (Daizoren) worked on SOLLOMAN’s last game, “Happy”*

Babel Rising Mobile Review

Android Mobile Game



Google Play Store

Developer – Ubisoft






By: Daizoren

Hoping to bring some fun and entertainment to the idea of being your own god, Babel Rising gives you powers beyond that of mere mortals in order to bring down fury and spite against your defiant creations. Does this god simulator end up being all it’s cracked up to be? Or is being a god more than one mortal could do?


For a mobile title, Babel Rising does a decent job of showing you all that is going on. Your enemies can be small at times and hard to pin point, but when you have abilities that hurt multiples, it doesn’t make much of a difference. The environments are well off enough that you can grasp where you are and what you’re doing. Special moves have a special aesthetic to them but none of them seem to be very overwhelming in their appearance. Babel Rising isn’t trying to wow the player with it’s graphics. It merely presents wat it needs to get by.


Starting out, some of the powers you’ll receive might get you excited for what is to come. Lightning strikes, fire abilities, boulders and other attacks make it seem like you have control over anything you want. As time goes on, however, you’ll find yourself resorting to a very set number of abilities and techniques to get by and nothing seems to ever progress except for the length of each gaming session. Timed levels ask for a lot when you’re playing something that is meant to be a mobile, pick up and play type of title. Other levels ask for a high number of kills before you are done and this can take a long time as well. If you’re looking for something to have short spurts of gaming sessions, you should probably look elsewhere.


There’s nothing really special to the sound of Babel Rising. The music is pretty mundane and most times you’ll never even notice it. Effects like lightning and fire all sound pretty normal and nothing special about any of them. The only saving grace to the sound is when you kill a character. They’re tiny voices can garner a laugh or two from time to time, but even that enjoyment seems to fade after time.

Replay Value

For as long as the campaign is, Babel Rising doesn’t seem to hold a lot of replay value because the campaign itself can be a hassle just to get through. Each level seems to be a lot of the same thing, despite some new abilities being unlocked as you go. To think that you might want to play the game over again seems hard to fathom with a title that is this repetitive.



  • Decent Graphics
  • Funny voices
  • Fun at first


  • Mundane gameplay
  • Bland environments
  • Same thing over and over
  • No replay value

For a title that tries to put the powers of a god in your hands, you feel more like you’re just doing a chore by smiting characters over and over again. With a lack of new abilities and branching them out into greater powers (Only 3 per power) this title seems to fall short of something that could have been a lot more fun.

Graphics – 7.5

Gameplay – 5

Sound – 5

Replay Value – 2

Overall – 4.9

*Note: This review was based on playing Babel Rising on a Samsung Galaxy S II*

Indie Spotlight: Castles, Breakout and Dust

Welcome to the Indie Spotlight, bringing the latest in news, trailers and new releases in the Indie Video Game area.

Intro visual by Ben Textor

(HQ) Dust an Elysian Tail Trailer Courtesy of (Developer Humble Hearts
NoogyTweets Twitter
Cockroaches Vs Cleaners Trailer courtesy of Obskewer Games
S.L.A.M. Trailer courtesy of aaardmark

Castle Story Kickstarter

Indie Games Uprising
Winter Uprising
Summer Uprising
Uprising Twitter
Uprising Facebook

Murder for Dinner

Community Replay: The Series Finale

By: Daizoren

And so the end begins. Welcome to the Series Finale of Community Replay. It’s been broken into 2 parts because of rendering issues, but part 1 is up and part 2 is currently uploading.

In this episode we go through and play some of our favorite titles of our gaming history and we talk about some of our favorite moments from the past 2 seasons. It’s been a fun ride and we’ve enjoyed every moment we’ve had with you guys. You’ve been an amazing community (Albeit some dramatic times as well haha) and we certainly couldn’t have done it without you.

To all of editors, we’d like to thank you for the inspiration to create and maintain this series for the past 2 seasons and we always look forward to watching Replay from you. If you have a chance, we hope you’ll enjoy this special finale that includes a special message to you (As well as everyone else) at the end of part 2.

I would like to personally thank Ben Hanson for encouraging me to create the series in the first place. His encouragement and admiration for the idea is what has kept it going for as long as it has.

But now we say goodbye to this series in place for something that we hope you’ll enjoy much more in the future. Thanks for the memories and the wonderful moments, and thanks for getting myself (As well as I’m sure everybody else) back into retro gaming. I forgot how fun it could be.

Indie Spotlight: OCD, Penny Arcade and Lightning/Thunder!

By: Daizoren

Community Replay: Advent Rising

By: Daizoren

This latest episode we take a look at the giant flop that had a promise of a 1 million dollar prize that was never given out, Advent: Rising

Indie Spotlight: Bleed, Indie Gala and another video game documentary!

By: Daizoren

Another week, another episode of Indie Spotlight. This week we talk trailers of Bleed, Spate and Kitaru and bring you some news on an upcoming Video Game Documentary!


Max Payne Mobile Review

Android Mobile game



Google Play Store

Developer – Rockstar







By: Daizoren

With the revival of Max Payne in his first HD campaign, Rockstar has released the original, last generation bullet time spectacle to mobile devices. It released early for iPhone but just was released for the Android market more recently. Do Max’s moves have enough flair and grace to find a comfortable spot on a mobile device? (more…)

Dragon’s Lair Review (XBLA)

Well, the Dragon’s Lair game has been presented in many digital forms.  The one it is known for (and the best), is being on the Laser Disc, where it was first introduced.  It took  you playing a movie, 5 buttons to push, and you being able to be quick and correct enough to pass on to the next area.  All the directions and an action button were your main controls.  Dragon’s Lair is back now, for the Xbox Arcade with Kinect Controls.  Do the Kinect controls make the game all the better? Let’s find out. (more…)

Indie Spotlight: One Finger Death Punch, Limbo’s Successor and Apple Jack 2!

by: Daizoren

It’ monday and time for the weekly indie update. we’ve got your fill of news, trailers and new releases right here on Indie Spotlight.

Interested in Shadow of the Game? There is currently an Open Beta Registration over at

Arcade Review: Sega Vintage Collection: Streets of Rage

Xbox Live Arcade Game

800 MS Points


Xbox Live Marketplace Page

Developer – SEGA





by: Daizoren

Making it’s revival from the Genesis, Streets of Rage makes it’s arrival on Xbox Live Arcade. With all 3 games bundled into one single package (Reminiscent of Streets of Rage Remake) it appears to be a great deal. As someone who played the original more than any other beat’em up game, I was very excited to revisit this childhood brawler. (more…)

Indie Spotlight: Among the Sleep, The Humble Indie Bundle and Wreck it Ralph

By: Daizoren

Welcome to the very first episode of Indie Spotlight, where we look at upcoming trailers for indie games, news and new releases. Check out our episode and, if you’re an indie developer, let us know about your project via twitter. More information in the video.

Marvel PInball Avengers Chronicles Release Date + The Infinity Gauntlet Trailer

Marvel Pinball: Avengers Chronicles has been confirmed for a June 19th release for Marvel Pinball on PlayStation Network for PS3  in North America ($9.99), and June 20th for Pinball FX2 on Xbox LIVE Arcade (800 MSP) and Marvel Pinball on PlayStation Network for PS3 Europe (€9.99).

In celebration of this announcement, we are releasing a new trailer for The Infinity Gauntlet table. Packed full of mind bending table effects, The Infinity Gauntlet table is unlike any pinball table ever created! (more…)

Magic: The Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2013 coming June 20th!

By ShadowKingpin

We all know you’ve been craving to get your hands on the next addition of the “Duels of the Planeswalkers” series, and it’s almost time for you to show off your top notch card playing skills!   (more…)

E3 2012: My Big Picks

By: Daizoren

With all of the big names and companies finishing their announcements and big conferences, it’s time to look back and feed through all of the information to see what games I am most excited to play later this year or early next year. We’ll be going through each company in order of their conference shows and what big name video games got me most excited for what’s in store. (more…)

Sega Vintage Collection: Alex Kidd & Co. Review

Like punching blocks for now reason? Do you like throwing ninja stars? Do you like taking your crotch rocket out for a drive?  Well if you answered yes to all of those questions, you might be in luck.  This Sega Vintage Collection comes with three titles, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Super Hang-on, and The Revenge of Shinobi.  2 of these titles I have actually played when I was younger.  One of them remained unplayed. (more…)

Things We Don’t Need in Video Games

By: Daizoren

As gaming becomes a more popular and mainstream activity, there’s been a lot of things added to them to make them tailor to the greater market and to those who haven’t played many games before. Getting companies to create their games with every person in mind has certainly helped get a greater majority of people interested in gaming, but there’s a point where some things seem to just be hindering our ability to play the games at the best of our ability. Sometimes it’s just outright annoying and, while there may be some kind of way to change the setting of whatever may be bothering you, these are just some personal gripes that I wish weren’t so prevalent in modern games.

Many of these complaints will consist of things that I feel make gaming easier, which in itself isn’t a bad thing. Casual gaming is a huge market and there’s nothing wrong with someone wanting to be a casual gamer. I have a problem with making games that are really supposed to be tailored to more core gamers tailor to that same casual market. If you go back to a game like Mega Man, you’ll find it to be incredibly difficult and if you want to get good at it, you’ve got to invest the time and learn the skills. The same goes for most fighting games. Button mashing is fun for mindless entertainment, but if you want to get good at the game, you need to learn the combos. These are things that seem to be detrimental to the development of good gaming skills and learning abilities. (more…)

Arcade Review: Sonic 4: Episode 2

Xbox Live Arcade Game

1200 MS Points


Xbox Live Marketplace Page

Developer- Sega





By: Daizoren

Sega makes another attempt to bring classic Sonic back from the dead after many failed installments in the franchise (with an exceptional entry in Sonic Generations) but does this sequel episode make improvements from that last? We’ve been promised a new “Momentum based engine” that is supposed to make the game feel more like the Genesis titles. Does Sega deliver on their promise? Or does Sonic live through yet another nightmare of a title? (more…)

Fable Heroes, Molydontcare (Review)

Ranting by: Master Blud
So, I have been an on again off again Fable player. I have accumulated so many hours playing the whole series. My mind has gone completely numb of the concept of being a hero. Although the games had you make tough decisions between good and evil, I just killed whoever the F*CK I wanted to. Reason being, it’s a game, and there is no real life consequences. I can just start a new game and make new decisions, kinda like how you wish your life was.

Any who, so, I bought Fable Heroes this morning in hopes that somehow I would be impressed. I was, slightly. The game seems bland, all you do is just mash buttons. I mean it’s your typical hacknslash/beatemup. Just beat the living SH*T out of enemies until they die. You run into bosses, which are ridiculosly too long for anyone to pay attention to. The bosses hardly move from their spots, making it an easy target. The game tries to present itself as a party game, kinda like Mario Party.


Shuggy continues his platforming adventure on another platform

Smudged Cat Games is pleased to announce that “The Adventures of Shuggy” will soon be released through Steam!  If you do not know about “The Adventures of Shuggy” Read our review HERE.

The Adventures of Shuggy was released on XBLA in June of last year to be largely ignored by everyone, but now we’re trying again,… on Steam. Yes, that’s right, despite being an excellent slice of retro-styled 2D puzzle-platforming goodness with a cracking variety of different mechanics and ingenious puzzles hardly anyone bought the game. So, if you haven’t got an XBox stay tuned to find out when you’ll be able to play it on your PC through Steam (we don’t have a release date yet).

…and if you’ve got an XBOX, go and buy the game now.

There are over 100 levels in the game connected through a gradually unlocking map screen ensuring there is always a variety of levels to choose from. Various different mechanics give each level a fresh spin with Shuggy travelling in time, swinging on ropes, rotating levels, turning to a zombie, shrinking, growing, flying, teleporting and more. The game takes place in an old Scottish mansion recently inherited by young Shuggy, a cartoon vampire. To clear the mansion of evil spirits he must venture through the five different areas of the mansion, The Dungeon, The Boiler Room, The Gallery, The Graveyard and The Clocktower. Progress through the mansion is punctuated by comic book cut scenes and the occassional boss encounter.

Wrecked Revenge Revisited Review (XBLA)

Review by: Tom Shirey

Wrecked Revenge Revisited is a battle racing game developed by Supersonic Software. The game was released March 28th , 2012 for XBLA and PSN. Supersonic Software did a pretty good job on this game. I noticed that there wasn’t much of a story to the game, but what they lacked in single player they added to multiplayer. The only thing single-player seems to offer is achievements but you can get most of them online or by playing local co-op. The game offers four player versus online and offline, so this could definitely be a great party game. Whether your playing with family or friends you will have fun. My brother and I probably racked at least twenty hours on this game and we still had fun. There is also a small ranking system to unlock new cars, decals, tires, and colors for your entertainment. One (more…)