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Posts tagged “scottish mansion

Shuggy continues his platforming adventure on another platform

Smudged Cat Games is pleased to announce that “The Adventures of Shuggy” will soon be released through Steam!  If you do not know about “The Adventures of Shuggy” Read our review HERE.

The Adventures of Shuggy was released on XBLA in June of last year to be largely ignored by everyone, but now we’re trying again,… on Steam. Yes, that’s right, despite being an excellent slice of retro-styled 2D puzzle-platforming goodness with a cracking variety of different mechanics and ingenious puzzles hardly anyone bought the game. So, if you haven’t got an XBox stay tuned to find out when you’ll be able to play it on your PC through Steam (we don’t have a release date yet).

…and if you’ve got an XBOX, go and buy the game now.

There are over 100 levels in the game connected through a gradually unlocking map screen ensuring there is always a variety of levels to choose from. Various different mechanics give each level a fresh spin with Shuggy travelling in time, swinging on ropes, rotating levels, turning to a zombie, shrinking, growing, flying, teleporting and more. The game takes place in an old Scottish mansion recently inherited by young Shuggy, a cartoon vampire. To clear the mansion of evil spirits he must venture through the five different areas of the mansion, The Dungeon, The Boiler Room, The Gallery, The Graveyard and The Clocktower. Progress through the mansion is punctuated by comic book cut scenes and the occassional boss encounter.