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Posts tagged “Dead Shift canceled

Dead Shift…..What Happened?

Below is the developer’s official Twitter announcement:

We here at VVGtv can definitely understand the stress and dedication that takes place when developing and programming any game–whether it’s a Xbox Live Indie Game or retail release. PolyVector is only one programmer, and the work must have been overwhelming even for a team of individuals, let alone one single developer.

It’s definitely a shame as Dead Shift was shaping up to be one of the best-looking Xbox Indie releases in graphics and many other aspects, and it surely would have been successful on the marketplace.

We can only hope that one day we’ll see the game resurrected in all of it’s undead-slaying glory. Below is Mr. Deeke’s correspondence with PolyVector, the developer behind this title at Punk Labs, via Twitter:

Of course VVGtv doesn’t want to tease anyone out there by showing a few pictures of a game that is canceled, we just want to showcase the game’s is impressive graphics and show why it was a highly anticipated Xbox Indie title.

Just remember that the game has been confirmed canceled, and look away if you don’t want to see screenshots of what may never be released.

If you enjoyed these screenshots and were one of the many fans who were anticipating this game’s release on the Xbox Live Indie Games marketplace and on PC, be sure to give a nod to PolyVector if it all possible.

VVGtv will stay updated on the details surrounding Dead Shift, yet apparently the game has been buried and the developer is moving on. Will the game rise from the grave like an undead ghoul? Only time can tell…